Speaking with Polygon, Sledgehammer Games animation director Christ Stone confirmed the same: YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT EVERY BULLET,” SCHOFIELD SAID. “YOU’RE NOT THE SUPERHERO. YOU CAN’T JUST STAND THERE TAKING SEVEN BULLETS, DUCKING, SHOOTING AGAIN. IT’S REFRESHING FOR US TO DEAL WITH RECRUITS WHO AREN’T TIER-ONE WARRIORS, TO SHOW THAT VULNERABILITY. THEY’RE NAIVE. IT’S BEEN A REALLY COOL CHALLENGE CREATING THIS DIFFERENT KIND OF GAMEPLAY. As you can tell from the explanation of Sledgehammer Games animation director Christ Stone, they want the game to have an authentic feel to it. Allowing players to really feel like their in WWII. It seems like the developers are aiming towards perfect boots on ground game for their fanbase. It has also been confirmed that squadmates will play a more crucial role in the game. They also revealed the game won’t have any auto-ammo refill system. He also suggested how squad members will have different roles: PART OF BEING THIS SQUAD AND WORKING TOGETHER WAS ABOUT HELPING EACH OTHER OUT IN A VERY DIFFERENT WAY THAN IN PREVIOUS GAMES. THIS IS [YOU] RELYING ON YOUR SQUAD, AND SO THAT WAS A MECHANIC WHERE YOU CAN RELY ON YOUR SQUAD MEMBERS TO HELP YOU, AND IN THAT CASE – WHEN YOU’RE LOW ON AMMO – YOUR SQUAD CAN SHARE AMMO. CERTAIN MEMBERS OF YOUR SQUAD HAVE CERTAIN ATTRIBUTES THAT CAN HELP YOU, AND IF YOU ARE IN PROXIMITY TO ONE OF YOUR SQUAD MEMBERS, AND YOU NEED THEIR HELP YOU CAN… IT’S AN ACTIVE ABILITY. They went on to explain how your squad members dying can affect you: “Yeah – there are possibilities of important members of your squad dying…You can be separated from guys with key abilities that would change how you play – if you’re not with the ammo guy then you have less ability to replenish your ammo. The human loss of your squad is an important emotional impact,” says Condrey, “and there’ll be times that you’re separated and you may lose people that are emotionally important to you, so all of those things can happen, yeah.” With all of the new changes, how do you think it will affect gameplay? Do you prefer it? Let us know in the comment section below!