In this movie, a team of soldiers is stuck on an unknown planet, which they initially went to capture. They have been attacked by alien species of that planet. Now, they need help, and here comes retired Gen. James Ford. This character is played by Bruce Willis. James Ford is sent to this planet in order to save this group of soldiers. Soon they realize that the aliens are planning something devastating like a huge attack on Earth that would destroy it. So the defense against them turns into a battle to stop the attack on the planet. The whole operation of defending and stopping the attack is named operation Cosmic Sin.

General Overview

Jumping straight on how the movie is, to be honest, it is one of the dumbest, worst, boring sci-fi created in this century. Bruce Willis is very famous for his action movies and all his fans expected something huge from him in this movie. Well, the movie has given them a huge disappointment though. Even if you watch the trailer you will see how poorly they have generalized sci-fi in red and blue colors. There is so much more in this genre just than those two colors. There are so many movies that have used these two colors so brilliantly. For example Tenet. Well, let’s stay on Cosmic Sin. Cosmic Sin has turned out to be a disaster. Every movie critic is rating it as one of the movies which you must avoid watching. It is a pain in the eyes of sci-fi fans. The character development, character back story, character screen-time, everything is a mess. You will probably see only Bruce Willis the whole time. Even if you see the other characters in the scene, you will clearly tell the difference between the importance of their roles and the role of Bruce. Grillo is supposed to be the second most important character but he is not visible for half the time. I guess there is more screen for the rest than Grillo.  Co-writer/producer Corey Large and Brandon Thomas Lee have also been given small roles in the movie. These characters are supposed to create a bond with the other characters, an emotional bond but they have successfully failed in portraying that.

Action and Visuals

All good movies have a flow of events which lets you understand everything about what has happened till now. There is no flow whatsoever in this movie. You will get a basic idea about the film at the start itself. The crew has a task to detonate the bomb before it blasts but there is a way of storytelling. It was missing here. Some films get good ratings just for their visual effects, action scenes, and costumes. This movie has failed here too. The action scenes are badly created, costumes don’t look anywhere near what we may wear 400 years from now. The visual effects could have been much better but they preferred to go with just red and blue lights according to their will. The final battle scene is also a disappointment. There is no common sense whatsoever in the character’s action moves. The action scene is absurd and the ideas displayed look totally unrealistic. Even after it is sci-fi, it looks way too much to handle.


Well, if you think the review is not good only from our side then let me give you the scores of some of the acclaimed critic sites. The movie is rated 2.5/10 by IMDB, with 7% votes on Rotten Tomatoes, and 2/10 by IGN. So this must sum-up how bad the movie has to be to get such ratings. If someone has something to rewind time and stop this movie from happening, then he or she should do that. Better eat something than paying money to watch this film.

Cosmic Sin Movie Review  A Sci Fi Disaster - 76Cosmic Sin Movie Review  A Sci Fi Disaster - 71