The first season of series mainly revolves around Matt Murdock, a lawyer who uses his amplified senses from being blinded as a teenage boy to fight crime and violence at night on the streets of New York as Daredevil while exposing a scheme of the criminal underworld being owned by Wilson Fisk. During the second season, he continues to maintain his life as a lawyer and Daredevil, while crossing routes with Frank Castle, a punisher with far deadlier techniques, as well as the return of the ex-girlfriend Elektra Natchios. In the third season, after Fisk is set free from prison, Murdock, who has been missing for months, returns as a completely broken man and must decide between hiding from the world as a criminal lawyer, or grasping his life as a watchful hero. So, before starting, I would like to tell my audience that in this post, I’ll be discussing the possibilities of the return of season 4 of Daredevil after the success of the previous three seasons as people are eagerly waiting for it from the last two years.

Will season 4 happen?

Till now, there is now confirmation related to the release of season 4 of Daredevil, but in a recent interview, the showrunner Eric Oleson said that he is very positive and hopeful regarding season 4 of Daredevil and if it happens he will be definitely a part of it. So, from his lines, we can’t confirm whether there will be a season 4 or not, but the audience can expect a positive attitude for the season 4. Actually, the main reason because of which season 4 has not happened till now is that Daredevil, along with other MCU TV series, fell prey to cancellation rampage ran by Netflix, and with that ended Marvel’s journey on Netflix. Daredevil received a pink slip in November 2018, and from that time, it has been made a topic of discussion that whether there will be a new season of Daredevil or not.

Daredevil Season 4 Release Date

If renewed by Disney Plus, we can expect Daredevil Season 4 to release around Fall 2021. Does the hope of season 4 vanish? Not really, some time back, Marvel was acquired by Disney, and recently, Disney launched its own streaming platform Disney+, which gained a lot of subscribers in a small interval of time. Will there be season 4 on Disney+ or not? Actually, when the contract of streaming was signed between Marvel and Netflix, it was clearly mentioned that if somehow they get separated, then Marvel can’t release any of its Netflix Originals series on any platform for a period of two years after the cancellation of agreement or separation. Now, it is expected that once the contract period is over, then you can expect a season 4 of Daredevil on Disney’s streaming platform. Till then, you can only wait for an announcement from the Marvel team. If any update happens, we will update it in this post.

Daredevil Season 4  What Is The Possibility For The Return Of The Show  - 72Daredevil Season 4  What Is The Possibility For The Return Of The Show  - 24Daredevil Season 4  What Is The Possibility For The Return Of The Show  - 37Daredevil Season 4  What Is The Possibility For The Return Of The Show  - 6