Dr Stone Chapter 139 Recap
Dr Stone manga did start a new arc in chapter 139. it seems to be an even more interesting one than the last one. I’m saying this because the main mission of this new arc seems to be travelling to the moon. We did get to see yet another voice message from the Why Man. Interesting thing about this voice was that it seemed like Senku’s own voice which startled even the likes of Senku. The theory is that the petrification took place from the moon. In order to find out, Senku must travel towards the moon.
What is Dr Stone Chapter 140 Release Date and Where to Read??
The release date of Dr Stone chapter 140 is 21 February 2020. You can read Dr Stone Chapter 140 via Mangaplus and Viz Media. They will provide Dr Stone chapter 140 free when it comes out.
What Are Dr Stone Chapter 140 Official Spoilers
Thus far no official spoilers of Dr Stone are out yet but when they come out we’ll try to share them with you all. Till then let us predict what will happen in the next chapter. Now, then Senku has decided to travel towards the moon, he will not just jump towards it. He will need a lot of planning in order to achieve this mission. I think he might go back and revive Tsukasa because he might be a great help to them in this new arc. Let us see how things are going to be in Dr Stone chapter 140. Dr Stone Synopsis: Thousands of years ago, the entirety of mankind was turned to stone, and now, Senku Ishigami awakens. He’s a bit with an extraordinary mind, and his grasp on science is fantastic. It is he who faces the task of restoring the world to its former glory. He isn’t alone, though. His friend Taiju Oki also awakened at around the same time, and they try their best to rebuild the civilization from nothing.