They accidentally reach the location where they find the sign which was built by Joy in his mind. Abigail and Donovan are having trouble with the decision over their long engagement, and it further gets tough for them when we find out that some people related to Donovan have come back in his life. It is his brother as well as the girl he used to be with in the past. All this while, Stephanie is having her own share of doubts that includes the missionary work which Adam has to indulge in. She is mulling over the fact of whether she should stay or better move on with other people in life. There is just so much catching up to do when we see that Martha and Tom are pretty hesitant over helping out their pregnant daughter-in-law but nevertheless agree on the situation. Donovan and Abigail have a small event to celebrate their engagement but soon, we see that Donovan gets so jealous of his brother while he sees him with his ex-girlfriend. This is why Abigail asks her to spend some time apart as they have not even set a date for their wedding yet. On the same day, we witness the cousins opening the pouch. Here, they come to realize the involvement of George. In Good Witch Season 7 Episode 2, titled The Shell, we find out that Cassie, as well as Sam, are having a double date. It is with the hospital administrator Grant as well as his girlfriend Monica. Soon enough, we see that the whole thing does not go quite as planned. Also, we see Martha, who is pretty excited about organizing a movie night in the park, which has themes similar to Grease. Well, this is enough with the backstory of the show, and we shall now head over to discuss what lies in the future for us.
Good Witch Season 7 Episode 3 Release Date
Good Witch Season 7 Episode 3 release date is on the 30th of May 2021 and is titled The Delivery. The episode is supposed to roll out on the Hallmark Channel at 9 pm, according to Eastern Time. For further details, you guys should know that new episodes of the show drop out every week on Sundays. Now, if you are a fan of the series and want to watch all the episodes but are not sure about where you can do so, then we have got you covered. The first and the easiest way to access the latest episodes is by tuning into the Hallmark channel at the designated date and time mentioned above, and you will find your episode airing. If you do not have cable cords at home, then there are other ways of watching the show too. You can head over to the official website of Hallmark, where new episodes come out after a short while of their release. Also, YouTube TV assists in watching all the episodes live at the time they air.
Good Witch Season 7 Episode 3 Spoilers
Now, you all must be wondering about what is the plot of the next episode. Thus, here we have wrapped up some potential spoilers regarding the next episode of the show. In Good Witch season 7, episode 3, we will witness almost all the cast members come together and enjoy a baby shower event. Claire has been pregnant for a while, and thus, her friends, that is, Abigail as well as Cassie and Martha throw her a baby shower. This creates joyful memories in Cassie’s own mind about her baby shower. Also read: What To Expect From Good Witch Season 7 Episode 2?