Half-Life Alyx is exclusive to compatible VR headsets. With the release date, Valve linked a steam page in their tweet which offers 10% off the pre-order price. As said earlier, the devs revealed that the game was originally announced for March 2020, though Valve did recently note that it didn’t expect any delays since the game was essentially finished. Half-Life: Alyx is a virtual reality game and works with multiple VR headsets.
It is compatible with Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and lastly Windows Mixed Reality. As for the story of the game, the story of the game revolves around stars the popular character Alyx Vance. It is set between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2 but be mistaken as Alyx isn’t exactly Half-Life 3, but it is a full-Half-Life game. Moreover, this is the first game of the franchise since Half-Life 2: Episode 2, that released 13 years ago. This game tells the story of an impossible fight against a vicious alien race known as the Combine. Half-Life: Alyx is one of the most anticipated games of 2020 and most of the series fans are dying to get their hands on it. When Half-Life was first released, it became an instant classic and was praised for its innovative gameplay, story and mysterious characters that are debated about to this very day. The requirements for this game has been revealed as which are as follows:- • MINIMUM: – OS: Windows 10 – Processor: Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600 – Memory: 12 GB RAM – Graphics: GTX 1060 / RX 580 – 6GB VRAM Also, Valve recently announced that because of the Half-Life: Alyx is coming in March, they are making all games in the Half-Life Collection FREE to play for Steam users, from now until the day it launches. Which means Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two are all free till the new game releases. In the blog post, they said “Half-Life: Alyx is set before the events of Half-Life 2 and the episodes, but the games share characters and story elements. The Half-Life: Alyx team believes that the best way to enjoy the new game is to play through the old ones, especially Half-Life 2 and the episodes, so we want to make that as easy as possible.”