Meanwhile, at Rugi’s kingdom, the knights report to Rugis about the Royal Order and Esccelesiated Order that has come to blows. They also reveal that the Royal Order is rescuing a single witch. Roy is wondering who the witch and Rugis reveal that it is Marielle. Let’s take a look at the weekly schedule below.

Hortensia Saga Episode 10 Release Date

Hortensia Saga Episode 10 will release on Thursday, 11 March 2021 JST. You can check this anime on AnimeLab and Funimation. Find more about Alfred and Danios saving Marius from being executed here on Hortensia Saga Episode 9. Let me take you to the previous episode and updates down here.

Previously on Hortensia Saga Episode 9

Rugis reveals that Adelheid has mobilized her troops, and he said it is the time, Hortensia Kingdom history is upon its on their hand. Meanwhile, Aldeheid addresses her kingdom that the truth about Princess Marrille is spreading all over. She also talked about the upcoming war. She told her kingdom that they would be supporting the Princess. Nornnoria is busy packing for Alfred and others; she is worried that they are going away again. Danios enter the room and bump with her, noticing that she is too down. He asks her why and she talked about their safety. Earlier, when they return, Nonnoria was surprised to find that Marielle is Marius. Also that she is a princess and she is a girl.

Princess Marielle

Nonnoria used to know that Marius is just a commoner boy from the village. She complains to Danios about why they kept the truth from her. He tried to talk with her and Maurice arrives. Meanwhile, Marius has taken back her status of the Princes Marius. She is wearing her costume and ready to rule the kingdom again. Alfred told Princess Marielle that they must wait here in Albert until word arrives from Adelheid. Marielle is not used to wearing a princess costume, and she feels like she’s not moving freely. Alfred told her to relax, but she doesn’t like it since Alfred is bowing in front of her. She considers herself as equal with everyone despite being a commoner not. Alfred calls her princes again and asks her what is troubling her. Marielle replies that she just can’t get used to being called Princess. Alfred told her that she must get used to it since people will be addressing her as the Princess soon. Marielle replies that she is not referring to the nation but Alfred. She wants Alfred to call her by her name. Marielle got up and told Alfred to continue calling her Marius like before. Maurice and Danios joined the two and talked about Danios’s punishment. Marielle said Danios punishment is to work under her as a knight. He must not think of running away, and he will always be her dear friend. Danios told Marielle that he’s accepting her orders. Nonnoria sneaks inside the room and hears them talking about the upcoming war.

Witch Lacroix

Danios comment that he doesn’t care if they are facing the Orthodox Church. But he won’t let anyone hurt the Princess. Nonnoria shouts that she is coming with all of them. She reveals that she is tired of staying behind here waiting for all of you to return home. Nonnoria is also worried that they might end up not coming back. Alfred comments that they are going to a different level of battle. Nonnoria went outside with them and showed them her shooting skills. Marielle asks her when did he get so good with the shooting. Nonnoria reveals that she has been getting archery lessons from Maurice for a little while. She told them that she could fight alongside them. Maurice comments that Noinnoria is insisting, why not go with her. Alfred smiles and told Nonnoria that he would go with her to the battle. The knights arrive with a letter coming from Aldeheid. Later they visited her, and she heads with them to the forest. Maurice asks why she is taking them to the forest. Danios said maybe she is going on a date with him. They reach near a shack, and Aldeheid said she wants Marielle to meet with someone before they go to the war. They met with the witch Lacroix, who uses her power to show Marielle the truth about her past. Lacroix also reveals about the great war that happened in the past and why the monsters have shown up. Marielle wakes up and reveals that she will have to defeat Pope and get that relic.

Hortensia Saga Episode 10 Preview

Keep in mind that only two episodes left. Make sure not to miss the great war that will put Marrielle back to her throne.

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