I live in a rural area and no Pokestop for 33 KM or 20.5 Miles. When I made the Pokemon Go account, out of all places, in my area my house started to spawn 1 Pokemon every hour. Afterward, I got my wife and my sister to play the game as well. They made the account from the same location at our house. Now the spawn rate went up for Pokemon at my house, 2-3 Pokemon per hour.
Full Method
My theory is Niantic has installed a specific feature in their system for Pokemon. That spawns Pokemon wherever a Pokemon Go account is made if Geo Location is on. If that was not the case then, rural area players will have no spawn at all since there aren’t many Pokestop or players. Think About it! The idea is, if you made a Pokemon Go account at your place while your Geo Location is activated, the place will spawn one Pokemon each hour since you only made one account there.
According to my theory, if you want your house to spawn multiple Pokemon then you need to create multiple accounts at the same location. Making more than one account is against Niantic’s Policy, so what you can do is, use your Family, or a friends’ phone and start the spawning this way. If you do this method, then you should see an increase of spawns each hour based upon how many phones have the game installed around you. Earlier I made a post on about a Pokemon Trainer, he lives in an apartment and he gets clusters spawns every hour and you can see a screenshot below. Don’t you want that to happen at your place as well? I want a few people to try out my theory. I’m sure we can definitely make it work. Thanks for taking the time to read! Leave comments below!