What’s the Plot About?

Invincible revolves around a 17-years old teenager Mark Grayson. The seemingly normal Mark has a superhero for a father. And not just any superhero, his father Nolan Grayson is the strongest superhero on Earth. Shortly after his 17th birthday, Mark finally appears to develop his own superpowers. As he starts contending with his powers, Nolan takes him into his tutelage to teach him the superhero spiel. What starts as a pretty normal superhero show takes a jolty turn by the end of the first episode. The viewers were left aghast as soon as the opening episode neared its conclusion with an ultra-violent sequence. Nolan Grayson, also known as Omni-Man, shows his true nature when he gruesomely brutalizes the Guardians of the Globe members. So far, three episodes have been released simultaneously on the same day. But the show’s only going to get more violent and graphic. If the source material is going to be adapted clasely, the show is sure to have too much gore. While the violence can be gratuitous, it can also be the show’s strength.

Who Voices Who In Invincible?

Invincible boasts a stacked cast that includes big Hollywood names. It stars heavyweights like J.K. Simmons and Mark.Hamill. Also starring, are Steven Yeun and Seth Rogen — it’s a powerful bunch of voices, to say the least. Steven Yeun: He voices the lead character Mark Grayson aka Invincible. Mark is the eponymous hero who tussles with his new-found superhero abilities and the responsibilities that comes with them. He’s a 17-years old high-schooler with the strongest superhero for his father. Sandra Oh: She voices Mark’s mother Debbie Grayson. The only human in the family, she has come to embrace life with her superhero husband Omni-Man and son Invincible. She’s a realtor by profession and is a real sport to her family’s superhero antics. J.K. Simmons: The Whiplash actor voices Mark’s father Nolan Grayson, who’s also the strongest superhero on Earth Omni-Man. He’s originally an alien, hailing from the planet of Viltrum. He came to Earth as its volunteer protector when his parents died. Gillian Jacobs: She voices Samantha Eve Wilkins aka the Atom Eve. Her superpowers are that of energy and matter manipulation. A former Teen Team member, she goes on to join the new Guardians squad. She also guides Mark through the know-hows of the superhero world. In the comics, she goes on to become Marks Girlfriend, and eventually, her wife. Walton Goggins: He voices the character of Cecil Stedman, who is the director of the GDA. He has the ability to teleport that helps him oversee superhero-related operations. He also enrolls Invincible when he starts as a hero. Seth Rogen: He voices Allen the Alien. Allen is a member of the Coalition of Planets. He has been frequenting Earth for about 15 years because of a confusion between Earth’s and another planet’s name.

Invincible Episode Schedule

Invincible Episode 5 will be released on April 9, 2021 Invincible Episode 6 will be released on April 16, 2021 Invincible Episode 7 will be released on April 23, 2021 Invincible Episode 8 will be released on April 30, 2021 Also Read: Godzilla Vs Kong Review: An Explosive Action Spectacle

Invincible Episode Schedule For April 2021 - 17Invincible Episode Schedule For April 2021 - 67