While Lisey’s Story premiere is already making the rounds. The show is building up a lot of mysteries already. To the people who haven’t read the book and kept with the show, there are a lot of theories you could come up with. Furthermore, the over-the-top distinct characters might leave you thinking and wanting to know more about them. Especially of Lisey’s husband Scott, his past life before he became popular, and all the hints about this treasure hunt he left before dying. What do they mean? So let’s make it a little clear, here we are taking a look at what Stephen King has to say about the show and what was the book all about initially.

The Novel Summary Of Lisey’s Story

Lisey’s Story tells the story of the titular character in two different sequences. One is present about Lisey and the second of her remembering the way her husband died. Lisey Landon’s husband Scott happens to be a popular writer with a dedicated fanbase of his own. He died two years ago and now Lisey is still figuring out to move on from the death. Especially cleaning up the stuff of his which contains a number of things. Scott’s written work and unpublished work which she was supposed to transfer to a library. Many of the times Academics approached her but she seems never ready to give away the stuff. One fine day when she goes through the stuff again, memories with Scott start reverting back into her mind. It begins right from the day a rebellious fan-shot Scott. She often tries to stop them as she doesn’t want the terrible truth to come to face her again. Apart from dealing with the dark memories, Lisey also deals with her sister often going into Catatonia. This time, her ex-husband marrying another woman and moving into town triggers the same. To help her Lisey figures out a way to admit her and learns from her through Scott’s voice about the “bool” hunt. Plus with a prize at the end. The book further sees Lisey diving deep into this “bool” hunt and watching the past of her husband unfold before her eyes. Right from the history of his family’s mental illness to him having special powers where he can transport to a world he likes to call Boo’ya Moon”. Also some dark secrets like how his father killed his brother and a lot more. Amidst this, she is also threatened by a man named Zack McCool. He threatens to hurt her if she doesn’t transfer the documents to Scott to the Professor at Academics. Anyway, with Scott’s past unfolding before her eyes, Lisey eventually figures out how to transfer herself into the Boo’ya Moon. So this sees her attempting to rescue her sister Amanda from the Catonatia she is suffering from. Then lead Zack McCool there. Zack throughout the book threatens Lisey to give away the documents of Scott to the academics. This comes to the point she also calls the police. But to no help when Zack eventually sneaks in to attack her. Coming to Bool Hunt, requires Lisey and everyone through a typical treasure hunt but its own dangers. The ultimate prize in this game is Scott’s Diary where he wrote how he spent his last days in the world while also confessing the dark secrets he kept away.

Stephen King On Adapting The Book

Before Lisey’s King premiered on Apple TV+, Stephen King talked about the reason he chose the book. Plus, adapt it all by himself by involving himself on the writing team. He states that Lisey’s Story is one of his favorite novels he wrote. Stephen King stated he held on to the book and had no plans to do anything with it. It can be great and he can take credit stating it’s his material or it could go down with blame on the studios. So he decided to involve himself whether the adaptation goes right or wrong. Furthermore, in the interview, Stephen King talked about how working on the show differs from the time he did in the 1990s. He had already talked about the openness that the new OTT structure brought in. Thus allowing the creators to do much more on-screen. Talking about the difference, he revealed how the commercials back in time broke the flow of the show. But this time he had enough time to take the audience on an adamant journey and walk them through the park of his story. He also further revealed how Lisey’ Story was inspired by a real-life near-death experience. Referring to the time he had double pneumonia but insisted on working on the novel later. Also Read: What To Expect From Sell Your Haunted House Episode 16, The Finale?

Lisey s Story  A New Adaptation From The Stephen King Novel   What Was The Book About  - 25Lisey s Story  A New Adaptation From The Stephen King Novel   What Was The Book About  - 58