The lead cast of this film was having most of the South Korean actors in the lead that includes Steven Yeun, Noel Kate Cho, Han Ye-ri, Youn Yuh-Jung, Alan Kim, and Will Patton as even though it is an American film, it is based on a Korean family that relocates to the USA in the early 1980s. Each and every minute of this film is full of emotions and really inspiring gestures, and all these efforts of the creators to portray everything perfectly have completely succeeded. Today, we have got the complete plot outlined here and especially the ending.

Minari Plot Outlined

This film is based on the life of an immigrant Korean family that was living in California and then decided to relocate to their new plot in rural Arkansas. There the father, Jacob, will grow the Korean produce and will sell it to vendors in Dallas. Jacob was very much positive about their upcoming life, whereas his wife Monika was very much stressed and tensed as their son, David’s heart problem was very serious. They both were working as sexing chicks and were fed up with that life. As both of them were busy all day, they call Monica’s mother. They call Monica’s mother from South Korea to live with them in the US and to take care of the children. David was forced to share his room with Soon-Ja, and this he didn’t like at all and thus started making a bad impression of her as a grandmother. But Soon-Ja starts adjusting there, and with time the children also started liking her. But due to last time canceling of orders by Dallas vendors and crops getting wasted, Jacob started getting stressed, and big arguments start taking place between him and Monica. On the other hand, Soon-Ja suffers a stroke at night, and this created even big problems for them. However, she was saved by the medical treatments but suffered from impaired movement and speech. Jacob and Monica went to Okhlama City to meet vendors to sell their crops and also to meet the doctor for David’s heart condition. Jacob made it clear that his business is more important to him than his family, and this lead to even more fights and arguments between him and Monica, and they both finally decided to separate.

Minari Ending Explained: What Happens To The Yi Family?

After Jacob and Monica finally decide a separation after lots of fights and arguments, the film takes a little deeper stroke, and some scenes full of dreadful emotions and gestures come up in the way. This also put a thought in David’s mind that somehow her grandmother is also responsible for this, and he starts getting some wrong impressions against her. But as this was not the truth, Soon-Ja was very much trying her best not to become a burden on her daughter’s family after her stroke, and hence she tries to be very helpful to them. But some days later, she accidentally sets the barn containing the produce on fire in the absence of Jacob and Monica. This created some problems for the couple. Hence as soon as they reached home, they both reach home. Both of them ran there to save the produce from fire, but somehow the fire got out of their hands, and it increased to such a large extent that now it was uncontrollable. So, they decided to ignore that and starts saving each other from that fire. That accident again led them close to each other by canceling their separation. As Soon-Ja was not in good condition and was also stuck there, her grandchildren screamed loudly, but she was not able to listen, and at that moment, David ran to her in order to save her and pushes her back. In the end, it was shown that the complete Yi family was sleeping, and Soon-Ja was observing them by sitting on her chair. After that, Jacob and Monica saw with the water diving marking the spot for well. Later, Jacob and David went to check the Minari, which has grown successful, and Jacon realizes that Soon-Ja has chosen a fantastic spot. Then this film ended, leaving behind hope for its sequel, which can definitely happen very soon. Also, this fire that has caused accidentally proved to be a blessing for everyone as Jacob and Monica again came back together, and their separation got washed aways and also; Soon-Ja came to know that her grandchildren have really started loving and caring for her. So, overall we can say this fire saved the entire family from some big troubles instead of giving some big troubles. For more updates like these, just stay tuned to this site as we will be back soon. Also Read: How To Watch Mare Of Easttown, Kate Winslet’s New Flashy Show?

Minari Ending Explained  Fate of The Yi Family - 38Minari Ending Explained  Fate of The Yi Family - 26