Make A Murderer is a true-crime documentary series released on December 18, 2015, and aired on Netflix. The show is written and directed by Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos and produced by Laura Ricciardi, Moira Demos, Lisa Nishimura, and Adam Del Deo, along with Synthesis Films. The show has two seasons consisting of 20 episodes till now. We will learn about the release date of the third season.

Storyline Of The Show, Make A Murderer

The story revolves around a man, Steven Avery, who has been prisoned for 18 years for an unjustified reason. He was wrongfully accused of sexual harassment and murder of a woman called Penny Beerntsen. Later, he once again got accused of the murder of Teresa Halbach in 2005 and got imprisoned in 2007. Another man, Brendan Dassey, who is also Steven’s nephew, blends in the story who is equally charged and convicted with Steven for the murder. In the first season, the crimes and conviction was portrayed. It started by showing Steven Avery, who is the owner of an auto salvage yard, and he stayed with his family in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. In 1985 he got accused of sexual harassment and murder, and ignoring his plea, he was imprisoned. The DNA in the murder was matched with another man with the aid of the Innocence Project, and Steven got rid of charges in 2003. He got released after eighteen years from imprisonment, and he filed a lawsuit worth $36 million against Manitowoc County and other county officials who played a role in accusing him wrongly of the murder, which led him to prison. The case remained pending for a long time. After two years, he was arrested once again for being the top suspect in the murder of Teresa Halbach. Teresa Halbach is a photographer whose dead body was found with bloodstains in his vehicle. The police mentioned that he disappeared after he clicked a picture at the salvage yard that Steven owned. After investigation, it was found Steven’s DNA matched with the bloodstains that was found in the car where Teresa’s dead body was found. The case became a highly debatable topic, and Steven’s lawyers claimed it was a planned setup like the previous one. He also questioned them about his pending civil lawsuit case and complained it was just to divert the attention of the pending case he filed. His attorneys brought the previous case up and accused them of altering the actual evidence in the previous murder case as the container where Steven’s blood was kept, the seal was found broken, and they suggested that Manitowoc officials have used the blood in the bloodstains found in the crime scene. The statements of both sides of the story bewildered everyone. The blood also contained EDTA, which is naturally not present in human blood, which proves the blood was added. The case took more puzzled turns when Brendan Dassey, Steven’s nephew, was charged and because of his confession about the involvement in the murder. Later, when he was convicted, he revealed to the judge that he was forced by the police to confess to a crime he did not commit. Despite his plea, his release was canceled. The second season focused more on the impact of the wrong accusations on them and their families.

Impact On The Audience

The Netflix documentary had a great impact on the audience globally. It hit the emotions of the general public as well as celebrities like Alec Baldwin, Ricky Gervais, and Mandy Moore, who appreciated the story and message of the show. A petition was signed to the White House to release Steven and Brendan and had collected nearly 128,000 signatures. But, the White House has no say over the state court. Steven was also interviewed after the series, and a few local reporters came forward and wrote journals for them. Their family members were unhappy about the series and referred to it as “terrible” and “unfortunate,” though the creators of the series told that they did enough research and was pretty much accurate.

Make A Murderer Season 3 Release Date

The first series was released on December 18, 2015, and the second season was released on October 19, 2018. There are no official announcements from the makers, but it is believed that Season 3 would be released in 2022, and the shooting would supposedly start this year. There are also no announcements about the season 3 plot. The new season is highly anticipated, and the audience cannot wait for it; it will be available on Netflix.

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