Princess Principal is an original anime. The animation was tended by Studio 3Hz and Actas. It is about the Commonwealth and Princess Charlotte, who deal to help each other to achieve a similar goal. The Commonwealth is tired of the oppression and Charlotte wants the throne. They plan on overthrowing the leaders of The Kingdom and make Charlotte the queen. To successfully execute the plan, Charlotte is assisted by four skilled undercover agents from the Commonwealth. Solving obstacles after obstacles, the four girls and the Princess prepare for the fight. Filled with exciting and dramatic twists, Princess Principal is a bliss in the name of anime. Moving on, here is all about the upcoming OVA, Princess Principal: Busy Easy Money.
Princess Principal: Crown Handler Chapter 1
Out of the six announced movie series, this is the first and the only released Princess Principal movie. It was released on February 11, 2021, and is available for streaming on Hidive. Like its anime adaptation, the movie brings back the thrill of watching intelligent and dangerous girls taking on exciting jobs. The movie takes place after an attempted assassination of the Queen. Control assigns the Principal team to investigate if one of the spies within the Royal Family has turned into a double agent. Amidst their investigation, Ange discovers new secrets and faces new threats. She is left reflecting on her choices and questions how she should live her life. The movie sets new expectations for the next film. Its animation is better and music charges forth in sync. The mystery and suspense within the plot have a spicy flavor. It does not rest on cliched scenes and puts reality in the front. Even in the dubbed version, the ambiance is lighted with British accents. What is absolutely likable about any Princess Principal anime is the intense mind game that lurks within each line. The very fact that Princess Principal allows their viewers to think and applause the brilliance in the planning is phenomenal. Crown Handler was no different in this aspect. If you haven’t already, make sure to watch this brilliant story for it will indefinitely leave you amused. Also Read: Preview: The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent Episode 11
Princess Principal: Busy Easy Money
Although the movie came out way early this year, its Blu-ray DVD will be released this Summer. The release date of the Blu-ray DVD is 28 September 2021. This package will contain an additional 6 minute special OVA of the series. The total cost of this package is 8,580 yen (78.53 USD or 5727.17 INR).
キャラクター原案・黒星紅白先生による描きおろしジャケット仕様!映像特典には完全新作OVA「BUSY EASY MONEY」(約6分)などを収録!#pripri 詳細はコチラ — 『プリンセス・プリンシパル』公式 (@pripri_anime) June 7, 2021 Team Shirohato is summoned to the Natural History room by Dorothy and Chise. The reason behind it is that they have something important to discuss. Whether it’s a gag or an important revelation will only be found by purchasing the Blu-ray disc that is coming soon. Further details about the contents of the Blu-ray disc package are available on the official website of Princess Principal. Also Read: Spoilers & Preview: Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood Episode 12
Staff and Cast
Much like the other Princess Principal anime series and movies, the OVA will also be directed by Masato Tachibana. Nobura Kimura writes the script of the OVA. Aoi Koga, Akira Sekine, Akari Kageyama, Nozomi Furuki, and You Taichi will resume their roles as Ange, Princess, Beatrice, Chise Todo, and Dorothy. Also Read: Preview: Combatants Will Be Dispatched! Episode 11