The eleventh episode saw the Tobins preparing for the day until they received the message of Kathleen’s arrival. Their mother and Beef Tobin’s attention-seeking wife. The news dropped their moods, and although they didn’t believe she would come. Precautions need to be taken. It’s Wolf and Honeybee’s special day, and Tobins doesn’t want to look embarrassed in front of Shaws. So, here we are taking a look at The Great North Episode 11 and figuring out if we should expect a twelfth episode or not. Furthermore, do we also see the second season in turn or not.

The Great North Episode 12 Release Date

Fox had already planned for a second season for The Great North at the time they ordered the series in June of 2020. So, yes the eleventh episode marked the end of the first season run of the show and there is no twelfth episode coming. But by the next year probably, we will be getting a new set of episodes altogether in the form of The Great North Season 2. Fox does have a lot of faith in the series and we hope to see more of the Tobins. The family has taken bigger steps in growing up during the first season run of its. We expect them to grow further in the coming season as well. So before we do that, let’s take a look at how the show wrapped up for us in the finale of The Great North Season 1 and what we can expect from The Great North Season 2.

The Great North Season 1 Finale Recap

Previously on The Great North, we opened up to Judy talking to her interpretation of Alanis Morisette about the upcoming grand event. It’s Wolf and Honeybee’s wedding. Everyone is excited as well as Judy has a platonic date for the day. The next day the family is preparing for the Titanic-themed wedding to come along. The honeybee is working on trying to invite someone famous related to the film as a guest. But Wolf has his own bigger problem as he asks Judy to come to a corner. It’s Kathleen Tobin who might be coming to the wedding. The Tobin family doesn’t have a great relationship with the mother. Now Wolf believes her coming might only ruin his big day. Both decide to keep it secret, but it is out for Ham and Moon as they listen to their conversation. The family needs a plan now. They know their mother is a flake but still decides to track down her locations on the internet. While Honeybee continues to recruit a big name from Titanic, Allyson suggests Judy have a shadow wedding to avoid her mother’s involvement. The idea seems good and Judy shares it with others. Beef overhears them and goes to mop around. Eventually, he joins them on the plan. So as soon as the Shaws arrive, everyone gets on their missions. After a great time with Shaws, the night sees them have a new plan to avoid the mother coming with a shadow wedding where she could get lost. On the other ship, they will carry on with Wolf and Honeybee’s wedding. Before they could move on with the plan, Wolf thinks it would be good to tell the Shaws. Unfortunately, they overhear them accidentally. Furthermore, accept them even with their faults. The marriage begins and just when Wolf and Honey are about to take a vow, instead of Kathleen someone else arrives. It’s the girl who played the baby in Titanic. The episode ends with a beautiful marriage and family picture with Tobins and Shaws.

What To Expect From The Great North Season 2?

The Great North is a show that was ordered long back in June 2020 for two seasons altogether. So we expect the creators of the series might have already started working on it. So we expect the show to come with Season 2 as soon as possible in 2021 only or follow the first season. That is during Valentine’s Day in the corner in 2022. Talking about what we can expect? The Great North’s first season ended on such a beautiful note with Honeybee and Wolf’s wedding. Now we are bound to see the two lovebirds handle their life as a married couple. The struggles that come with it and how Honeybee fit in the Tobin family. Although we know she is a great fit as seen in the first season, but now officially as the wife of Wolf. Furthermore, we could expect more appearance from the Shaws. We saw them bonding with Tobins, and we may see them appearing here and there. Also at the end of The Great North Season 1, Beef’s wife Kathleen was a big part of the discussion. Everyone was highly hoping for her to make a dramatic entrance. But it didn’t happen. Even though her name got a huge spotlight. So expect her to drop in for The Great North Season 2 as well. Also Read: Love, Death And Robots Season 2: All Endings Explained

The Great North Episode 12  Release Date   Expectations - 63The Great North Episode 12  Release Date   Expectations - 45The Great North Episode 12  Release Date   Expectations - 37