There was a recent report by IGN India. Sources who are very close to riot games have said that the game Valorant Mobile is at work and it could soon be out. It will be named Valorant Mobile. Asia is probably the biggest mobile gaming market, and the news coming out from this region should just be more than a rumor. If you play Valorant, you would know that there is a lot to consider and think about how the game could be. Valorant on PC is a complex game with every agent having so many abilities and all the spike thing. There are two major questions to answer regarding Valorant on Mobile. The gameplay and the cross-play.
There are almost 90% chances that Valorant mobile won’t be a tactical shooter but instead, it will be a battle-royale kind of game. There won’t be enough space on the screen to accommodate all the controls, to be honest. A battle royale game with a little twist could be the best way to represent Valorant on mobile. There is also a small problem in that though. Valorant is famous for the abilities of the agents. If they want to pull the mobile fps crowd, then those abilities will play a vital role. Adding all the abilities of all the agents looks like a very tough task. So if they decide to add a few abilities of all the agents then which abilities would make the list? That is also an important question. What if Sage keeps on killing enemies and keeps on charging her ultimate ability, and keeps reviving teammates forever. There won’t be an end to it. There are many more examples like this.
Another important question is, will there be cross-play? Well, I think there won’t. It just won’t be fair to the mobile gamers. And, first of all, in order to do that, there must be a similar game mode on both consoles to do. I don’t see Valorant mobile being a tactical shooter so bringing the battle royale mode to Valorant PC is the only option left. I wouldn’t say that Battle Royale on Valorant PC would make the game less interesting, but people are used to the tactical shooter now. So cross-play looks of the charts for now. One thing that the game developers could do is sync my skins and other stuff across both devices. If someone plays Valorant on both mobile and PC and has bought a battle pass or skin on PC, then it should be available to them on their mobiles.
— Mike – Valorant Leaks & Info (@ValorLeaks) October 13, 2020
Valorant Mobile Release Date
All the reports are not only based on the IGN report, but there were also some leaks made by miners. The leaks were of a Valorant mobile tutorial. A Twitter account by the name Mike- Valorant Leaks & Info posted a pic of a JSON file. It was apparently a list of Valorant mobile settings. Valorant Mobile could be a very promising game. The amount of people in Asian countries who don’t have access to PCs and Laptops but have access to smartphones is massive. PUBG mobile took the mobile gaming industry by storm and the same continued with Call of Duty. Valorant too has the capability to reach such heights because people are fascinated by the game. There are also some reports that the game may be announced at the E3 event. This event takes place in June. The current Act started a few days ago, and it will last for 2 long months. So maybe the next ACT or the ACT next to it could be the time when Valorant finally arrives on mobile.