Queerbaiting is a marketing method for fiction and entertainment in which producers hint at. However, then do not actually depict same-sex romance or other LGBTQ representation. Instead, they do so to bait a queer or straight ally audience with the approach of relationships or characteristics that appeal to them while at the same time trying to avoid alienating other consumers. Queerbaiting has often been recognized in popular fiction such as films and television series and has been identified among celebrities who convey an ambiguous sexual identity through their works and statements. It arose in and has been simplified through investigations in Internet fandom since the early 2010s.

What Is Queerbaiting?

In very common worlds, we can say Queerbaiting is the method where a creator tries to show that a character is queer, but they don’t directly say it. For example, Imitation games. The Oscar-winning movie never really said that the protagonist is “Gay”, and he like people of the same gender. Instead, they kept on calling it a “defect” and a sin. But no proper words were used to represent the community. The series even features that the protagonist was sent for hormonal therapy to cure his defect, belonging to the LGBTQ+ community. The protagonist even had to marry a woman so that no one suspects that he is gay. The plot of the movie revolves around the protagonist’s sexuality, but still, no particular words were mentioned to define them. Creators have been practising Queerbaiting in the name of “Open To Perception”, but this is bothering Queer viewers. They feel like the identity of the character is being disguised on purpose. They don’t feel comfortable when they have to catch movies and series where creators are afraid to display a character’s sexuality in the open.

Media That Has Been Using Queerbaiting In Their Content

In 2008 music, Katy perry dropped a song named I kissed a Girl raised concerns because, according to one reviewer, “its appropriate of the gay lifestyle exists for the sole purpose of garnering attention”. However, Perry said in 2017 that she has done “more than kissing a girl” and is attracted to women without specifying or labelling her sexuality. The singers Ariana Grande and Rita Ora were also probed by fans for queerbaiting. After their songs contained hints to Bisexual love. In response to these affairs and to assure her fan that she does not support Queerbaiting, Rita Ora came out as bisexual to her fans. And told her fans that she belongs to the Queer community. She said she never intended to hurt anyone’s feelings. In one of the advertisements of the clothing brand Calvin Klein, practised Queerbaiting. For which the brand apologized in 2019 for the same. It was a public advertisement in which the model Bella Hadid kissed the character Lil Miquela. The queer community was outrageous because Lil Miquela is a character and not a real human. The community said the brand is trying to depict the things that don’t even exist. They took it as an insult because they were real and not a created fantasy to increase their sales.

Movies And Series That Depict Queerbaiting

In theatre, the relationship between Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was criticized as queerbaiting. In the very popular British show Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock and his partner Dr. Watson are considered gay. And apparently, they both have been hiding their identities in the show. So, Sherlock Holmes was also accused of Queerbaiting. The same goes will star wars. Fin and Po are clearly in love with each other, but no one witnesses it, and the show gets under the tag of Queerbaiting. The cast of StarWars said on the Ellen show. That there is the romantic chemistry. And instantly changes the topic by saying that he wasn’t in the romantic role.

Billie Eilish Is Accused Of Queerbaiting For Her Latest Instagram Post

Recently Billie Eilish has been accused of Queerbaiting as she posted pictures on her official Instagram page. She shared pictured from her latest song. And it is captioned “I Like Girls.” But according to rumours, she is dating Matthew Tyler. The queer community feels that Billie is confusing everyone. Billie hasn’t replied to any of the accusations yet. Also Read: Pride Month 2021- Best LGBTQ Movies On Netflix

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